Panel 1A: Geothermal Focused Community Engagement

Date: Monday, October 28, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Room: Monarchy (Grand Ballroom)


This panel will include representatives from a wide variety of geothermal stakeholders, including but not limited to industry, academia, government, Tribal / Natives, and community members to discuss impacts associated with geothermal development in various states with an emphasis on Hawaiian development. The panel discussion will include a summary of the work completed by NREL, funded by GTO on Geothermal Community Engagement in Hawaii, including its impacts. The aim is to ensure the discussion is as inclusive as possible with representation of positive, negative, and neutral (if possible) perspectives of geothermal development and to emphasize the need for community and stakeholder engagement to begin even before project planning begins.