Panel 6A: Enhanced Geothermal Systems – Innovation and Deployment

Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Time: 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Room: Monarchy (Grand Ballroom)


Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) offer the best opportunity for scaling geothermal energy to widespread utility-size electricity production. The years 2023 into 2024 have been pivotal for EGS development with advances made in both fundamental science at DOE’s FORGE site and commercial engineering in Fervo’s pilot projects in Nevada and Utah. Further geothermal developers and investors are eagerly watching the outcomes from these exciting breakthroughs and preparing to follow in their footsteps to break open this market. The panel session aims to bring together leading global representatives across academia, industry, finance, and government to debate current research, development, and deployment of EGS technologies, and examine their future direction into 2025 and beyond.