Workshop 1: Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis (GPFA)

8:30 AM - 1:00 PM | Friday, October 25

Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis (GPFA) is an exploration process adopted to geothermal, that integrates data of critical risk elements inherent to that specific geothermal play type. The key function of GPFA is to reduce risk and increase focus for improving exploration success rates. GPFA begins at the regional/basin scale, and progressively focuses on the play scale to examine the critical risk element data and highlight which play areas have the highest likelihood of success (prospects).

The outputs from the GPFA process are Common Risk Segment (CRS) maps. CRS maps define areas that contain the same general Probability of Success (PoS) for each individual risk element based on the input data. Operator analyzed/ determined cutoff values or classes are then applied to each map with color assignments indicating high (red), medium (yellow) and low (green) risk areas for each element under consideration.

This half day workshop will focus on teaching the GPFA methodology.

Lunch and break service are included in the workshop registration fees ($295).